Natasha keller

Emotional Sustainability

Natasha KellerComment

I think a lot of people would like to be shopping more sustainably, but there are some barriers to doing so. Here are the blocks, as I see them:

— Price: per item cost typically goes up as compared to most fast fashion .
— Research: what companies are actually sustainable, and which ones are green washing? There’s a million brands and it’s overwhelming
— Personal Style: Even people who want to invest in a better wardrobe can get overwhelmed with where to start. What pieces will stand the test of time? What will I want to wear over and over again? What even is my style, and what pieces are part of my core wardrobe? These are the questions people get stuck on.

I get it! It’s a lot to sort through, both logistically and emotionally.

Enter, me. This is what my Style Coaching practice is all about: helping people create a wardrobe they truly feel good about vis-a-vis the weaning of fast fashion! It CAN be done. And — here’s the big one — you will be happier through the practice of tuning in to yourself, and making purchases that are aligned with your values!

And doing that has a ripple effect that can be felt throughout the universe.

The more we tune in and listen, the closer we get to the highest version of ourselves. It is no small feat, and it’s a big fucking deal when we decide to prioritize the listening.

Listening is not one of the values of patriarchy, you may have noticed.

Wait, aren’t I talking about clothes? Did I lose my train of thought?? No actually, I didn’t. It’s all so connected, and this is the beauty of the work: how we feel about ourselves is everything. We manifest our daily reality through this lens. If we don’t love ourselves and care for ourselves deeply, we are communicating to the world that we don’t matter. And then we create a reality that is based on that belief.

But you matter. I matter. And through the work of learning to love myself, I am opening up my hands to other people who want to come along with me through that journey.

That is what Style Coaching means to me.