Natasha keller

Prepare To Be Shocked

Natasha KellerComment

I have something shocking to say.
I am not interested in a capsule wardrobe.
GASP! I know. But it’s true and I would feel so much better if you knew!!

I am totally in favor of someone having a capsule wardrobe, if it is truly what their heart desires. You go for it! I’ll help, because I have some opinions about how to go about doing that well (as you might expect).

For me though, I love a lot of variety. I love collecting unusual clothing; antique dresses that should never be worn, garments in great fabrics that need to be re-worked to make them wearable...even a dress I might only wear once every five years is totally fine with me.

In the era of Marie Kondo, it can be easy to think that getting rid of things is the answer. Maybe it is depends!

But I think the important question is — how do you want to feel in your daily life? What makes you feel happy? What do YOU like??

Helping people answer those questions (and so many more) is at the heart of my wardrobe consultations. .
Through reflective listening I help you figure out what’s not working for you, and then together we come up with a plan for how to make it work!

It’s like peeling off layers of an onion, then chopping them up to make an awesome curry.
So if you want to make curry with me, let’s do it!! I’m hanging out in my silk kimono just waiting to talk to you