Natasha keller


Natasha KellerComment

I was taking my measurements the other day, as I often do, in preparation for starting a new pattern. I was surprised to find that my hip measurement had increased by one inch.
As my mind started to spiral into a mix of blame, shame and fear, as a mind is want to do, I saw the spiral in front of me and stepped back.

I could let that one inch mean a LOT of different things (about my health, my worth, my deservedness), but it occured to me…

What if I didn’t let it mean a fucking thing?

I have just as much worth as I did one inch ago. My self worth is not attached to my weight.

I am still healthy and active. Health and weight are not mutually exclusive. #healthyatanysize

I can still be happy. Happiness is an internal state that is not dependent on an exterior appearance.
I am still worthy of love, respect, happiness and abundance in all forms. With one extra inch, or with 40.

I’m so glad we could clear that up.

While the pants are off (nod to Beyonce) I should also note that these are THE granny panties I always speak of. It’s one of the patterns I offer in my underwear class, and my go-tos underneath high waisted skirts and pants. Pattern is #ohhhlulu #avapanties