Why have I started a Style Coaching business?
Yes, I love clothes and I am utterly obsessed with fabric. But what draws me to this work is SO. MUCH. MORE!
Fashion is sometimes seen as frivolous. Someone caring a lot about how they look can be called superficial, self-centered, fussy.
But the thing is...pretty much everyone cares about how they look. I think most people care more than they ever admit!
And why shouldn’t we?? What we wear affects how we carry ourselves and how we feel. It affects how people view us, treat us, respect us (or not).
So although I love fashion...what I am really deeply interested in is FEELINGS!
I am interested in Style Coaching as a way to connect with women over clothing, yes, but more to the point I am interested in working with women around self-esteem, confidence, and PERSONAL style (the things that *you* like and make you feel good, not the things that are “in” or that someone tells you to wear).
Clothing is something you can get anywhere. In fact we have so much clothing we’re drowning in it!
But insight, reflection, patient and connected listening...these things are harder to come by.
Not to mention a killer eye and personal style out the wazoo! These are my gifts, and I am bringing all of them to the table at the same time.
On that note I am happy to announce that I am now taking my next **four** Style Coaching clients, and I hope you’ll be one of them!
Get in touch if you’re ready to join me! And if you’re interested but curious about exactly how this could work for you, book a free 20-minute call to ask me anything and everything.
One last thing, and it’s a big one...this is open to anyone in the world!! If we live in the same area we can connect in person but if not we’ll connect through the gift of technology. .
I can’t wait to work with you, and change the way you see yourself and your closet.