Natasha keller

What Will People Think?

Natasha KellerComment

What will people think??

I heard that phrase a lot growing up.

“Who cares what people think??” was always my response.

But that’s not completely true, is it? It is partly true...sometimes true...but not completely true.

When it comes to what we wear, “what people think” can often factor in. .
But lately I have been playing with the idea that “what people think” is none of my business at all!

So instead of wondering and worrying about other people, I keep focused on myself and what I think and feel. That’s the only thing I have control over anyway!

When I am tapped into my gut — my intuition — about things, it is SO much easier to make decisions for myself. I can actually be clear about what I’m doing and why.

In terms of my own clothing, I have been feeling pulled to kick it up a notch. I love to dress up, to combine things in interesting be a little over the top sometimes. .
Basically, I love to be playful with clothes! And I am at my best when I allow myself to be myself, unapologetically!

This is the work we do through clothes. I’ll keep saying again and again until you believe me — this is anything but superficial!

This is the deep work of connecting to our gut, following our hearts, and feeling confident in ourselves and our bodies.

If you want to do this work with me I am accepting new clients for 1:1 style coaching right now! Check out the Style Coaching section of my website to book a free 20 minute Q&A call.